As a member of a wider group of companies, all Stadium Export Services’ employees benefit from a programme of continuous safety training and awareness, under the group “work safe, be safe” scheme. This initiative propagates a culture whereby every employee considers the safety aspect of every task before it begins and has the right to stop their own work or that of a colleague should they feel they are at risk.

Whether the compliance relates to health & safety, security or the environment, Stadium’s operations comply with all relevant laws and regulations. Our quality systems are approved to ISO 9001:2015.

Our health and safety management system is approved to ISO 45001:2018.

We invest heavily in training and all of our operatives undertake the necessary training programmes to allow them to work with a variety of lifting, moving and packing equipment. All members of staff carry the correct personal protective equipment at all times whether onsite or offsite. We provide offsite risk assessments and standard operating procedures on request. All staff training is refreshed regularly.

Our equipment is maintained and checked regularly. Inspections and audits are carried out frequently to ensure we are compliant to the highest level, and standards are never compromised. A high importance is placed on performance targets and measuring progress to ensure we are continuously improving.

Click to download a copy of our ISO 14001:2015 certificate.